Dr. Cristina Durán joins EFPU to study effects of global change on coastal phytoplankton.

Cristina got her PhD at University of Granada (Spain) and now joings EFPU research team to study the effects of variables associated with global change on phytoplankton of coastal marine environments of the Patagonian region.
The postdoctoral grant is funded by Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (Argentina)
More about Cristina
I studied Biology at the University of Granada (Spain) during 2003-2008. In the same University, I completed my Master degree in Microbiology (2008-2009), with specialization in Aquatic Ecology, and the PhD (2009-2014).
My doctoral thesisfocused on the interactive effects of abiotic stress factors such as UVR, temperature and nutrient inputs in primary producers, bacterioplankton and their trophic relationships in Mediterranean ecosystems
Currently I am working within the research project Effects of variables associated with global change on phytoplankton of coastal marine environments of the Patagonian region (PICT 2013-0208).