We look for applicants to work at the EFPU.

Possibility to apply for doctoral / postdoctoral fellowship CONICET 2017 / degree dissertation and / or internships.
Place of work: Photobiology Station Playa Unión- Playa Unión, Rawson-Chubut.
Project 1 – PI: Dra. Virginia Villafañe
Project Title: Effects of Global Change on Phytoplankton in Patagonian Coastal Areas.
Description: This project will evaluate the effects of different variables associated with global change – radiation, temperature, nutrient and organic matter input, acidification, etc., on different metabolic processes (eg, photosynthesis, respiration) of phytoplankton communities . It is intended, through this project, to manage specific equipment, design experiments and analyze the data obtained in an integral way.
Project 2 – PI: Dra. Macarena Valiñas
Project Title: Ecophysiological responses of zooplankton to a global climate change scenario.
Description: The project will evaluate the effects of different variables associated with the global climate change phenomenon, such as temperature, acidification and solar radiation on trophic and metabolic aspects (e.g., respiration) of representative groups of marine zooplankton (e.g., copepods) and freshwater (e.g., cladocerans) of the Patagonian region. The approach of this project will have a strong experimental component, evaluating firstly the individual effects of each of the variables under study and then the interactive effects of these zooplankton organisms.
Applicants’ requirements:Advanced students in Biology or related careers. Good PC management and English proficiency are required. High motivation and excellent willingness to work as a team. Be willing to settle in Playa Unión-Rawson, Chubut.
Contacts: Send CV, final or partial analytical certificate with grade level qualifications, scientific background if any, and cover letter describing your interests and objectives to:
Dra. Virginia Villafañe (Project 1: Fitoplancton: [email protected])
Dra. Macarena Valiñas (Project 2- Zooplanctonl: [email protected])