Dr. Donat-P Häder, Friedrich Alexander Universität (FAU), Alemania

El Dr. Donat Häder realizó ocho visitas para realizar trabajos de investigación en la EFPU en el período 2000-2013, que enfocaron principalmente en evaluar los efectos de la radiación ultravioleta en macroalgas de la costa Patagónica. También se realizaron otros estudios puntuales a lo largo del río Chubut, destinados a determinar sus condiciones físico-químico-biológicas.
Los trabajos realizados por el Dr. Häder en la región Patagónica fueron financiados por Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica / BMBF (Alemania), Fundación Antorchas, Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT) / DAAD (Alemania) y Soriano S.A.
Ver publicaciones realizadas en conjunto entre los investigadores de la EFPU y el Dr. Häder en: https://efpu.org.ar/investigacion/publicaciones/
- Häder, D-P., M. Lebert & E.W. Helbling. 2000. Photosynthetic performance of the chlorophyte Ulva rigida measured in Patagonia on site. Rec. Res. Develop. Photochem. Photobiol. 4: 259-269.
- Häder, D-P., M. Lebert & E.W. Helbling. 2001. Effects of solar radiation on the Patagonian macroalgae Enteromorpha linza (L.) J. Agardh – Chlorophyceae. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 62: 43-54.
- Sinha, R.P., M. Klisch, E.W Helbling & D-P. Häder. 2001. Induction of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in cyanobacteria by solar ultraviolet-B radiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 60: 129-135.
- Häder, D-P., M. Lebert & E.W. Helbling. 2001. Photosynthetic performance of marine macroalgae measured in Patagonia on site. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 8: 145-151.
- Häder, D-P., M. Lebert, R. Sinha, E.S. Barbieri & E.W. Helbling. 2002. Role of protective and repair mechanisms in the inhibition of photosynthesis in marine macroalgae. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 1: 809-814.
- Häder, D-P., M. Lebert & E. W. Helbling. 2003. Effects of solar radiation on the Patagonian Rhodophyte, Corallina officinalis (L.). Photosynth. Res. 78: 119-132.
- Häder, D-P., M. Lebert & E. W. Helbling. 2003. In situ effects of solar radiation on photosynthesis in the Patagonian Rhodophyte, Porphyra columbina Montagne. Rec. Res. Develop. Biochem. 4: 931-944.
- Sinha, R.P., E.S. Barbieri, M. Lebert, E.W Helbling & D-P. Häder. 2003. Effects of solar radiation on phycobiliproteins of marine red algae. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 10: 149-157.
- Sinha, R.P., E.W. Helbling & D.-P. Häder. 2003. Effects of solar radiation on photosynthetic quantum yield of a cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 10: 159-166.
- Häder, D-P., M. Lebert & E.W. Helbling. 2004. Variable fluorescence parameters in the filamentous Patagonian Rhodophytes, Ceramium sp. and Callithamnion gaudichaudii under solar radiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B. Biol. 73: 87-99.
- Helbling, E.W., E.S. Barbieri, R.P. Sinha, V.E. Villafañe & D.-P. Häder. 2004. Dynamics of potentially protective compounds in Rhodophyta species from Patagonia (Argentina) exposed to solar radiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 75: 63-71.
- Klisch, M,, R.P. Sinha, E.W. Helbling & D.P. Häder. 2005. Induction of thymine dimers by solar radiation in natural freshwater phytoplankton assemblages in Patagonia, Argentina. Aquat. Sci. 67: 72-78.
- Richter, P.R., R.J. Goncalves, M.A. Marcoval, E.W. Helbling & D.-P. Häder. 2006. Diurnal changes in the composition of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAA) in Corallina officinalis. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 11: 33-44.
- Richter, P., E.W. Helbling, C. Streb & D.-P. Häder. 2007. PAR and UV effects on vertical migration and photosynthesis in Euglena gracilis. Photochem Photobiol. 83: 818-823.
- Richter, P.R., D-P. Häder, R.J. Gonçalves, M.A. Marcoval, V.E. Villafañe &. E.W. Helbling. 2007. Vertical migration and motility responses in three marine phytoplankton species exposed to solar radiation. Photochem. Photobiol. 83: 810-817.
- Häder, D.-P., M. Lebert, M. Schuster, L. del Ciampo, E.W. Helbling & R. McKenzie. 2007. ELDONET – Ten years of monitoring solar radiation on five continents. Photochem. Photobiol. 83: 1-10.
- Helbling, E.W., V.E. Villafañe & D.-P. Häder. 2010. Ultraviolet radiation effects on macroalgae from Patagonia, Argentina. En: Israel, A., R. Einav & J. Seckbach (eds.). Role of seaweeds in future globally changing environments. Springer, pp. 199-214.
- Häder D.-P., E.W. Helbling, C.E. Williamson & R.C. Worrest. 2011. Effects of UV radiation on aquatic ecosystems and interactions with climate change. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 10: 242-260.
- Richter, P., E.W. Helbling, V.E. Villafañe & D.-P. Häder. 2011. Action spectrum of mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) induction in Prorocentrum micans under solar radiation. En: Sinha, R.P., N.K. Sharma & A.K. Rai (eds.). Advances in life sciences. I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., pp. 441-449.
- Häder, D.-P., P. Richter, V.E. Villafañe & E.W. Helbling. 2014. Influence of light history on the photosynthetic and motility responses of Gymnodinium chlorophorum exposed to UVR and different temperatures. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 138: 273-281.
- Häder, D.-P., V. E. Villafañe & E. W. Helbling. 2014. Productivity of aquatic primary producers under global climate change. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 13: 1370-1392.
- Valiñas, M.S., P. Bermejo, L. Galbán, L. Laborda, D.-P. Häder, V.E. Villafañe & E.W. Helbling. 2014. Combined impact of ultraviolet radiation and increased nutrients supply: A test of the potential anthropogenic impacts on the benthic amphipod Amphitoe valida from Patagonian waters (Argentina). Front. Environ. Sci. Environ. Toxicol. 2: doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2014.00032.
- Häder, D.-P., V. E. Villafañe, P. Richter & E. W. Helbling. 2015. Water parameters of the Chubut River and Andes lakes (Patagonia, Argentina). En: Sinha, R.P., Richa & R. P. Rastogi (eds.). Biological Sciences. Innvovations and dynamics. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India, pp. 293-310.
- Häder, D.-P., A.T. Banaszak, V.E. Villafañe, M.A. Narvarte, R.A. González & E.W. Helbling. 2020. Anthropogenic pollution of aquatic ecosystems: Emerging problems with global implications. Science of the Total Environment, 713: 136586.
- Häder, D.-P., E.W. Helbling & V.E. Villafañe (eds.). 2021. Anthropogenic pollution of aquatic ecosystems. Springer Nature, Suiza. 426 pgs.
- Häder, D.-P., E.W. Helbling & V.E. Villafañe. 2021. Introduction. En: Anthropogenic pollution of aquatic ecosystems. D.-P. Häder, E.W. Helbling & V.E. Villafañe (eds.). Springer, pp.1-10.